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Extra Virgin Alliance

Every olive oil tells a story!

The Extra Virgin Alliance is a resource for people who love olive oil.

EVA is dedicated to building appreciation for this remarkable food by sharing the stories of  our unique products and the people who make them.

EVA wants more people to explore the pleasures and benefits of extra virgin olive oil. So, we’ve made it easy to learn through the stories of some NAOOA member brands what makes olive oil special. EVA has gathered from each company detailed information about a host of factors on quality, farming practices, packaging, production, and history. Then we provide an easy-to-use reference about each of the olive oils through the Extra Virgin Alliance Product Directory.

About EVA

The Extra Virgin Alliance is a community of like-minded olive oil growers and producers from around the world who are dedicated to crafting extraordinary and delicious oils while protecting the environment and improving their communities.

Extra Virgin Alliance brands are:

  • Champions of flavor
  • Custodians of the land
  • Steeped in tradition
  • Innovating for the future

EVA Ensures Our Olive Oils Meet Specific Criteria

Olive oils produced by EVA members must meet a set of established requirements to ensure olive oil
quality and transparency in packaging and labeling.

In addition, EVA certified olive oils are verified to meet an array of the criteria we call +Factors that
reflect extraordinary efforts by producers in three categories:
1. The Oil
2. The Land
3. The People

Extra Virgin Alliance Product Directory

We all agree that people should enjoy more olive oil because of its superior flavor, versatility, sustainability, and health benefits.

EVA provides olive oil enthusiasts with additional information so they can purchase olive oils that reflect their individual preferences and values.

For more information

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