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Extra Virgin Alliance - The Olive Oils



Spoleto, Perugia, Italy

In Italy, Monini is a family, an Olive Oil brand, and a permanent fixture in Italian cuisine.

Zefferino Monini is today following in his grandfather's footsteps to provide for olive oil lovers the signature Monini flavor and aroma first created in 1920.

The consistent, balanced taste of Monini Originale Extra Virgin Olive Oil is versatile and compatible with most kitchen uses, making it the #1 brand of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Italy. Extra Virgin Olive Oil accounts for 86% of the company's production and includes a full range of high-quality extra virgin olive oils. 

Among those, the Selezione Italiana and Monocultivar lines bring the best certified Italian production into consumers' kitchens and restaurants around the world.

Monini Selezione Italiana includes the fruity and slightly peppery GranFruttato EVOO obtained from selected farmers in the Southern regions of Italy. A powerful and full-bodied EVOO with high polyphenol content and an array of fresh, green, and peppery notes. Also part of the Selezione is the Amabile EVOO, slightly less fruity and pungent oil with grassy and floral notes.

Monini Monocultivar is a 100% Organic and single varietal selection of three very distinctive Italian cultivars: Frantoio, Nocellara, and Coratina. Each one with unique characteristics that complement different cooking applications and taste requirements. And representing the most productive producing areas in Italy: Toscana, Umbra, Sicilia and Puglia.

Monini’s history is simple and has been about extra virgin olive oil for three generations. Our philosophy is clear: every Monini product must be impeccable. Our mission is always the same: sharing our love and passion for Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The art of selecting the extra virgin olive oils in the oil mills certified by us and Zefferino Monini’s know-how have always been the distinctive elements of the quality of our products.

Zefferino & Maria Flora Monini
Olive Tree Image 2
Zefferino & Maria Flora Monini
Olive Tree Image 2

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