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As we wrap up a truly unprecedented year, we are looking back on the biggest stories in our industry. With millions more people cooking at home over the past 12 months, heart healthy and immune boosting olive oil rose to the forefront of kitchen conversations. Here's a look back at our ten most popular posts in 2020. 

10. Olive Oil Skincare and Haircare Products

  • These DIY products can be easily assembled at home. Packed full of antioxidants, vitamins and lipids, olive oil keeps skin moisturized and helps protect from oxidative stress, which can accelerate the signs of aging.

9. Olive Oil Nutrition: What is the Difference Between Antioxidants and Polyphenols?

  • Experts often talk about polyphenols and antioxidants in relation to the potential health benefits from extra virgin olive oil and it is critical to understand the difference between a polyphenol and an antioxidant, and what role they play in our health.

8. "Extra" Confused about Olive Oil? 

  • In 2020, the NAOOA petitioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to establish a standard of identity for olive oils. This post generated hundreds of responses, many of which were provided to the FDA to support our petition. Its not too late to submit yours! Help us end olive oil confusion.

7. Olive Oil vs. Vegetable Oil

  • Tackling the persistent misconceptions around using olive oil for frying and baking and debunking some of the "health myths" around vegetable oil. 

6. Battle Roy-oil Round 2: Olive Oil vs. Canola Oil

  •  From EVOO to vegetable oil, there are dozens of choices in your average supermarket aisle. In this popular series, we examine the key differences between olive oil and other commonly used cooking oils to see how they stack up.

5. How the Pandemic has Changed the Olive Oil Market

  • Olive oil imports hit an all time high this year; up 23.5% from 2019. Our Executive Director, Joseph R. Profaci, details the record industry growth in this article. 

4. Olive Oil at the Center of the Home Cooking Boom

  • We are in the midst of a new home-cooking boom! Released this spring, a study of over 1k Americans revealed that 54% of respondents are cooking more now and plan to do so for the foreseeable future. 

3. Get Real, Your Olive Oil Isn't Fake

  • If you’ve ever heard that the olive oil you buy is probably “fake” you should know the myth stems from two, decade-old flawed reports published by the UC Davis Olive Center (UCDOC) that have been mischaracterized, misquoted and misused for years to incorrectly characterize the state of the market.  UCDOC itself has recently acknowledged this in a disclaimer. 

2. Olive Oil Retains Health Benefits During Cooking 

  • While the health benefits of olive oil are well documented, persistent misconceptions about cooking with it persist. A new study by the University of Barcelona confirms that extra virgin olive oil retains significant amounts of these healthy compounds during cooking.

1.Internet Famous Olive Oil Cake Recipe

  • Home baking took the internet by storm this year and this recipe, for a fabulously Instagrammable olive oil cake was touted by celebrities including  Kim Kardashian, Camille Rowe, Kourtney Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Shay Mitchell, and Phoebe Tonkin.


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